ایجاد ابزارک نمایش RSS در صفحه داشبورد

add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'boj_dashboard_example_widgets' );

function boj_dashboard_example_widgets() {

	//create a custom dashboard widget
	wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'dashboard_custom_feed', 'My Plugin Information', 'boj_dashboard_example_display', 'boj_dashboard_example_setup' );
function boj_dashboard_example_setup() {

	//check if option is set before saving
	if ( isset( $_POST['boj_rss_feed'] ) ) {
		//retrieve the option value from the form
		$boj_rss_feed = esc_url_raw( $_POST['boj_rss_feed'] );
		//save the value as an option
		update_option( 'boj_dashboard_widget_rss', $boj_rss_feed );
 	//load the saved feed if it exists
	$boj_rss_feed = get_option( 'boj_dashboard_widget_rss ');
    <label for="feed">
        RSS Feed URL: <input type="text" name="boj_rss_feed" id="boj_rss_feed" value="<?php echo esc_url( $boj_rss_feed ); ?>" size="50" />
function boj_dashboard_example_display()
	//load our widget option
	$boj_option = get_option( 'boj_dashboard_widget_rss ');
	//if option is empty set a default
	$boj_rss_feed = ( $boj_option ) ? $boj_option : 'http://wordpress.org/news/feed/';
	//retireve the RSS feed and display it
	echo '<div class="rss-widget">';
	wp_widget_rss_output( array(
		'url' => $boj_rss_feed,
		'title' => 'RSS Feed News',
		'items' => 2,
		'show_summary' => 1,
		'show_author' => 0,
		'show_date' => 1 
	) );
	echo '</div>';	

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