پایگاه داده ای که شامل اولین و آخرین آدرس های IPV4 هست به شما داده می شود، تعداد آدرسهای بین آنها را محاسبه کنید.(اولی شامل می شود و آخری شامل نمی شود)
Given a database of first and last IPv4 addresses, calculate the number of addresses between them (including the first one, excluding the last one).
All inputs will be valid IPv4 addresses in the form of strings. The last address will always be greater than the first one.
first | last | ips_between ------------+-------------+------------- '' | '' | 50 '' | '' | 256 '' | '' | 246
راه حل به صورت SQL:
SELECT id, last::inet - first::inet as ips_between FROM ip_addresses;
SELECT DISTINCT id, (d4+d3*256+d2*256*256+d1*256*256*256) as ips_between FROM (SELECT *, cast(split_part(last,'.',1) as bigint) - cast(split_part(first,'.',1) as bigint) as d1, cast(split_part(last,'.',2) as bigint) - cast(split_part(first,'.',2) as bigint) as d2, cast(split_part(last,'.',3) as bigint) - cast(split_part(first,'.',3) as bigint) as d3, cast(split_part(last,'.',4) as bigint) - cast(split_part(first,'.',4) as bigint) as d4 FROM ip_addresses) as ip;
SELECT id, case when first::inet > last::inet then first::inet - last::inet else last::inet - first::inet end as ips_between FROM ip_addresses;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ip_value(text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE ip bigint[] := string_to_array($1, '.')::bigint[]; BEGIN RETURN (ip[1]*16777216 + ip[2]*65536 + ip[3]*256 + ip[4]); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT id, ABS(ip_value(first) - ip_value(last)) AS ips_between FROM ip_addresses
ELECT id ,((SPLIT_PART(last, '.', 1)::bigint - SPLIT_PART(first, '.', 1)::int)*256^3 + (SPLIT_PART(last, '.', 2)::int - SPLIT_PART(first, '.', 2)::int)*256^2 + (SPLIT_PART(last, '.', 3)::int - SPLIT_PART(first, '.', 3)::int)*256^1 + (SPLIT_PART(last, '.', 4)::int - SPLIT_PART(first, '.', 4)::int)*256^0)::bigint AS ips_between FROM ip_addresses;
public class CountIPAddresses { public static long ipsBetween(String start, String end) { String[] startArr = start.split("\\."); String[] endArr = end.split("\\."); long count = (Integer.parseInt(endArr[0]) - Integer.parseInt(startArr[0])) * 256 * 256 * 256; count += (Integer.parseInt(endArr[1]) - Integer.parseInt(startArr[1])) * 256 * 256 ; count += (Integer.parseInt(endArr[2]) - Integer.parseInt(startArr[2])) * 256 ; count += (Integer.parseInt(endArr[3]) - Integer.parseInt(startArr[3])); return count; } }
public class CountIPAddresses { public static long ipsBetween(String start, String end) { return convertToLong(end) - convertToLong(start); } private static long convertToLong(String ip) { long res = 0; for (String s : ip.split("[.]") ) res = res * 256 + Long.parseLong(s); return res; } }
import java.util.Arrays; public class CountIPAddresses { public static long ipsBetween(String start, String end) { long[] o = Arrays.stream(start.split("\\.")).mapToLong(Long::parseLong).toArray(); long[] t = Arrays.stream(end.split("\\.")).mapToLong(Long::parseLong).toArray(); long diff = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { diff += (t[i] - o[i]) << (8 * (3-i)); } return diff; } }
public class CountIPAddresses { public static long ipsBetween(String start, String end) { String[] s = start.split("\\."), e = end.split("\\."); int v = 0; for (int i = 3 ; i >= 0 ; i--) v += (long) Math.pow(256.,3-i) * (Integer.parseInt(e[i]) - Integer.parseInt(s[i])); return v; } }
public class CountIPAddresses { public static long ipsBetween(String start, String end) { String[] startNums = start.split("\\."); String[] endNums = end.split("\\."); long result = 0; result += (Long.valueOf(endNums[0]) - Long.valueOf(startNums[0]))*256*256*256; result += (Long.valueOf(endNums[1]) - Long.valueOf(startNums[1]))*256*256; result += (Long.valueOf(endNums[2]) - Long.valueOf(startNums[2]))*256; result += (Long.valueOf(endNums[3]) - Long.valueOf(startNums[3])); return result; } }