شما در مارپیچ NxN در موقعیت [0,0] هستید و فقط در یک از چهار جهت اصلی می توانید حرکت کنید(شمال، جنوب، شرق و غرب). کمترین تعداد مرحله برای خروج از موقعیت [N-1, N-1] را برگردانید اگر امکان رسیدن به موقعیت خروج وجود داشته باشد. در غیر اینصورت -1 را برگردانید.
خانه های خالی با . و دیوار ها با W نشان داده می شوند. همچنین تضمین می شود که نقاط ابتدایی و انتهایی در همه تست ها خالی است.
You are at position [0, 0] in maze NxN and you can only move in one of the four cardinal directions (i.e. North, East, South, West). Return the minimal number of steps to exit position [N-1, N-1] if it is possible to reach the exit from the starting position. Otherwise, return -1.
Empty positions are marked .
. Walls are marked W
. Start and exit positions are guaranteed to be empty in all test cases.
Path Finder Series:
public class Finder { private final static int INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static int[][] graph; public static int pathFinder(String maze) { initGraph(maze); goTo(0, 0, 0); return (graph[graph.length - 1][graph.length - 1] == INF) ? -1 : graph[graph.length - 1][graph.length - 1]; } private static void initGraph(String maze){ String[] lines = maze.split("\n"); graph = new int[lines.length][lines.length]; for(int i=0; i<lines.length; i++) for(int j=0; j<lines.length; j++) graph[i][j] = (lines[i].charAt(j)=='W')?-1:INF; } private static void goTo(int i, int j, int step){ if(i==-1 || i==graph.length || j==-1 || j==graph.length || graph[i][j] <= step) return; graph[i][j] = step; goTo(i, j-1, step+1); goTo(i, j+1, step+1); goTo(i+1, j, step+1); goTo(i-1, j, step+1); } }
import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.*; import java.awt.Point; public class Finder { final static private Point[] MOVES = {new Point(0,1), new Point(1,0), new Point(-1,0), new Point(0,-1)}; public static int pathFinder(String maze) { char[][] board = Stream.of(maze.split("\n")).map(String::toCharArray).toArray(char[][]::new); List<Point> bag = Arrays.asList(new Point(0,0)); int step = 0, S = board.length; Point end = new Point(S-1,S-1); board[0][0] = 'W'; while (!bag.isEmpty() && !bag.contains(end)) { step++; bag = bag.stream().flatMap( p -> Stream.of(MOVES).map( m -> new Point(p.x+m.x, p.y+m.y) )) .distinct() .filter( p -> 0<=p.x && p.x<S && 0<=p.y && p.y<S && board[p.x][p.y]=='.' ) .peek( p -> board[p.x][p.y] = 'W' ) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } return bag.contains(end) ? step : -1; } }
import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Objects; /** * @author Jonathan Bradley Whited (@esotericpig) */ public class Finder { public static int pathFinder(String mazeStr) { Maze maze = new Maze(mazeStr); Glader glader = new Glader(); int result = glader.run(maze); // Uncomment for fun //glader.printPath(maze); //System.out.println("Path: " + glader); //System.out.println("Result: " + result); return result; } } // Do you like Maze Runner? class Glader { private LinkedList<Step> path = new LinkedList<>(); private int x,y,goalX,goalY; public int run(Maze maze) { return run(maze,0,0,maze.getWidth() - 1,maze.getHeight() - 1); } // A* algorithm // http://www.growingwiththeweb.com/2012/06/a-pathfinding-algorithm.html public int run(Maze maze,int x,int y,int goalX,int goalY) { path.clear(); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.goalX = goalX; this.goalY = goalY; LinkedList<Pos> open = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<Pos> closed = new LinkedList<>(); open.addLast(new Pos(x,y,goalX,goalY)); Pos goalPos = null; while(!open.isEmpty()) { Pos pos = open.removeLast(); // Goal! if(pos.getX() == goalX && pos.getY() == goalY) { // Don't break to guarantee shortest path if(goalPos == null) { goalPos = pos; } else { if(pos.getSteps() < goalPos.getSteps()) { goalPos = pos; } } } closed.addLast(pos); // Process neighbors for(Step s: Step.values()) { Pos neighbor = s.takeStep(pos.getX(),pos.getY()); // Not a wall? if(maze.isEmpty(neighbor.getX(),neighbor.getY())) { // Skip if in closed if(!closed.contains(neighbor)) { // Calc necessary stuff neighbor.setParent(pos); neighbor.setSteps(pos.getSteps() + 1); neighbor.updateDistance(goalX,goalY); // Find in open Pos neighborInOpen = null; for(Pos p: open) { if(p.equals(neighbor)) { neighborInOpen = p; break; } } // Not in open? if(neighborInOpen == null) { boolean isAdded = false; // Put in open, sorted by min cost last for(ListIterator<Pos> li = open.listIterator(); li.hasNext();) { // Don't use cost to guarantee shortest path //if(neighbor.getCost() > li.next().getCost()) { if(neighbor.getSteps() > li.next().getSteps()) { li.previous(); li.add(neighbor); isAdded = true; break; } } if(!isAdded) { open.addLast(neighbor); } } else { // Update the neighbor in open if(neighbor.getSteps() < neighborInOpen.getSteps()) { neighborInOpen.setParent(neighbor.getParent()); neighborInOpen.setSteps(neighbor.getSteps()); } } } } } } if(goalPos != null) { for(Pos p = goalPos.getParent(); p != null; p = p.getParent()) { if(p.getStep() != null) { path.addFirst(p.getStep()); } } } return (goalPos != null) ? goalPos.getSteps() : -1; } // Use this to watch a Glader run for fun public void printPath(Maze maze) { maze = maze.clone(); int x = this.x,y = this.y; System.out.println(maze.toString(x,y)); for(Step s: path) { int lookX = s.takeStepX(x); int lookY = s.takeStepY(y); if(maze.isEmpty(lookX,lookY)) { maze.setSpace(x,y,'o'); // Just a little o.g. x = lookX; y = lookY; System.out.println("Step: " + s); System.out.println(maze.toString(x,y)); if(x == goalX && y == goalY) { break; } } } } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path.size()); for(Step s: path) { sb.append(s.toString().charAt(0)); } return sb.toString(); } } class Maze implements Cloneable { public static final char EMPTY = '.'; public static final char WALL = 'W'; private char[][] maze; private int width,height; public Maze(Maze maze) { width = maze.width; height = maze.height; // Should be NxN this.maze = new char[maze.maze.length][maze.maze.length]; for(int y = 0; y < this.maze.length; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < this.maze.length; ++x) { this.maze[x][y] = maze.maze[x][y]; } } } public Maze(String mazeStr) { String[] rows = mazeStr.split("\n"); width = rows.length; // Should be NxN height = rows.length; maze = new char[width + 2][height + 2]; // +2 for outer walls for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { setSpace(x,y,Character.toUpperCase(rows[y].charAt(x))); } } // Top & Bottom outer walls for(int x = 0; x < maze.length; ++x) { maze[x][0] = WALL; maze[x][maze.length - 1] = WALL; } // Left & Right outer walls for(int y = 0; y < maze.length; ++y) { maze[0][y] = WALL; maze[maze.length - 1][y] = WALL; } } public Maze clone() { return new Maze(this); } public void setWall(int x,int y) { setSpace(x,y,WALL); } public void setSpace(int x,int y,char c) { maze[x + 1][y + 1] = c; } public int getSpace(int x,int y) { return maze[x + 1][y + 1]; } public boolean isEmpty(int x,int y) { return getSpace(x,y) == EMPTY; } public boolean isWall(int x,int y) { return getSpace(x,y) == WALL; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public int getSize() { return width * height; } public String toString() { return toString(0,0); } public String toString(int gladerX,int gladerY) { // *2/+1 for spaces/newlines StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((width * 2 + 1) * height); for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if(x == gladerX && y == gladerY) { sb.append('g'); } else { sb.append((char)getSpace(x,y)); } sb.append(' '); // Prettier } sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } } class Pos { private int distance = 0; private Pos parent = null; private Step step = null; private int steps = 0; private int x = 0,y = 0; public Pos(int x,int y) { this(x,y,null); } public Pos(int x,int y,int goalX,int goalY) { this(x,y); updateDistance(goalX,goalY); } public Pos(int x,int y,Step step) { this.step = step; this.x = x; this.y = y; } public Pos updateDistance(int goalX,int goalY) { this.distance = Math.abs(x - goalX) + Math.abs(y - goalY); return this; } public void setParent(Pos parent) { this.parent = parent; } public void setSteps(int steps) { this.steps = steps; } public int getCost() { return distance + steps; } public int getDistance() { return distance; } public Pos getParent() { return parent; } public Step getStep() { return step; } public int getSteps() { return steps; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o == null || !(o instanceof Pos)) { return false; } Pos p = (Pos)o; return (this == p) || (x == p.x && y == p.y); } public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(x,y); } } enum Step { NORTH(0,-1),SOUTH(0,1),EAST(1,0),WEST(-1,0); private int stepX,stepY; private Step(int stepX,int stepY) { this.stepX = stepX; this.stepY = stepY; } public Pos takeStep(int x,int y) { return new Pos(takeStepX(x),takeStepY(y),this); } public int takeStepX(int x) { return x + stepX; } public int takeStepY(int y) { return y + stepY; } public int getStepX() { return stepX; } public int getStepY() { return stepY; } }
import java.util.Queue; import java.util.LinkedList; public class Finder { public static int pathFinder(String maze) { String[] rows = maze.split("\n"); Character[][] cmaze = new Character[rows.length + 2][rows.length + 2]; boolean[][] isVisited = new boolean[rows.length + 2][rows.length + 2]; int cmazeLen = cmaze.length; for (int i = 0; i < cmaze.length; i++) { cmaze[0][i] = 'W'; cmaze[cmazeLen - 1][i] = 'W'; cmaze[i][0] = 'W'; cmaze[i][cmazeLen - 1] = 'W'; } for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { cmaze[i+1][j+1] = new Character(rows[i].charAt(j)); } } Queue<int[]> queue = new LinkedList<int[]>(); queue.add(new int[] {1, 1, 0}); isVisited[1][1] = true; while(!queue.isEmpty()) { int[] cp = queue.remove(); int x = cp[0]; int y = cp[1]; int d = cp[2]; if (x == rows.length && y == rows.length) { return d; } addQueueS(cmaze, isVisited, queue, x - 1, y, d + 1); addQueueS(cmaze, isVisited, queue, x + 1, y, d + 1); addQueueS(cmaze, isVisited, queue, x , y - 1, d + 1); addQueueS(cmaze, isVisited, queue, x , y + 1, d + 1); } return -1; } private static void addQueueS(Character[][] cmaze, boolean[][] isVisited, Queue<int[]> queue, int x, int y, int d) { if (!isVisited[x][y] && cmaze[x][y] == '.') { queue.add(new int[] {x, y, d}); isVisited[x][y] = true; } } }
import java.util.*; public class Finder { static boolean isSafe(int r, int c, char[][] chart, Set<String> extlist) { int n = chart.length; return 0 <= r && r < n && 0 <= c && c < n && !extlist.contains(r+":"+c) && chart[r] != 'W'; } public static int pathFinder(String maze) { Set<String> extlist = new HashSet<>(); String[] rows = maze.split("\n"); int n = rows.length; if (n == 1) return 0; char[][] chart = new char[n][]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) chart[i] = rows[i].toCharArray(); int[][] DRLU = {{1,0},{0,1},{0,-1},{-1,0}}; List<ArrayList<Integer[]>> queue = new ArrayList<>(); queue.add(new ArrayList<>()); queue.get(0).add(new Integer[]{0,0}); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int r = -1, c = -1; int shortest_list_len = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ArrayList<Integer[]> shortlist = new ArrayList<>(); for (ArrayList<Integer[]> l : queue) { int sz = l.size(); if (sz <= shortest_list_len) { shortest_list_len = sz; Integer[] rc = (Integer[])l.get(sz-1); r = rc[0]; c = rc[1]; shortlist = l; } } queue.remove(shortlist); extlist.add(r+":"+c); for (int[] dir : DRLU) { int v1 = r+dir[0], v2 = c+dir[1]; if (isSafe( v1, v2, chart, extlist )) { if (v1 == n-1 && v2 == n-1) return shortest_list_len; List<Integer[]> newpath = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(shortlist); newpath.add(new Integer[]{ v1, v2 }); extlist.add(v1+":"+v2); queue.add(new ArrayList<Integer[]>(newpath)); } } } return -1; } }
import java.util.*; public class Finder { public static int pathFinder(String maze) { String[] s = maze.split("\n"); char[][] grid = new char[s.length][s[0].length()]; if(grid[grid.length - 1][grid[0].length - 1] == 'W') return -1; for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) grid[i] = s[i].toCharArray(); Queue<Point> q = new LinkedList<Point>(); q.add(new Point(0,0,0)); boolean[][] visited = new boolean[grid.length][grid[0].length]; while(q.size() != 0) { Point p = q.remove(); if(p.row == grid.length - 1 && p.col == grid[0].length - 1) return p.d; else if(grid[p.row][p.col] != 'W' && !visited[p.row][p.col]) { visited[p.row][p.col] = true; if(p.row > 0) q.add(new Point(p.row-1,p.col,p.d+1)); if(p.col > 0) q.add(new Point(p.row,p.col-1,p.d+1)); if(p.row < grid.length - 1) q.add(new Point(p.row+1,p.col,p.d+1)); if(p.col < grid[0].length - 1) q.add(new Point(p.row,p.col+1,p.d+1)); } } return -1; } } class Point{ public int row; public int col; public int d; public Point(int row,int col,int d) { this.row = row; this.col = col; this.d= d; } }
import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*; public class Finder { private final Map<Node, Queue<Node>> adjacencyMatrix; public Finder(String maze) { adjacencyMatrix = buildAdjacencyMatrix(maze); } public static int pathFinder(String maze) { return maze == null || maze.isBlank() ? -1 : new Finder(maze).findShortestPath(); } private int findShortestPath() { Deque<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>(adjacencyMatrix.keySet()); if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return -1; } Node start = nodes.peekFirst(); Node finish = nodes.peekLast(); start.distance = 0; visitNeighbours(start); Queue<Node> unvisited = getNeighbours(start); while (!unvisited.isEmpty()) { Node next = unvisited.poll(); visitNeighbours(next); getNeighbours(next).stream() .filter(neighbour -> !neighbour.visited && !unvisited.contains(neighbour)) .forEach(unvisited::add); } if (finish.visited) { finish.printPath(); return finish.distance; } return -1; } private void visitNeighbours(Node v) { Queue<Node> neighbours = getNeighbours(v); while (!neighbours.isEmpty()) { Node neighbour = neighbours.poll(); int distanceToNeighbour = v.distance + 1; if (neighbour.distance > distanceToNeighbour) { neighbour.distance = distanceToNeighbour; neighbour.addToPath(v); } } // Visited means the distance to all it's neighbours was calculated. v.visited = true; } private Queue<Node> getNeighbours(Node xy) { return new LinkedList<>(adjacencyMatrix.get(xy)); } private Map<Node, Queue<Node>> buildAdjacencyMatrix(String maze) { String[] mazeRows = maze.split("\n"); Map<String, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int x = 0; x < mazeRows.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mazeRows.length; y++) { if (mazeRows[x].charAt(y) == 'W') { continue; } Node xy = new Node(x, y); nodeMap.put(xy.toString(), xy); } } return nodeMap.values().stream() .collect(toMap(node -> node, node -> node.neighbourCoordinates() .filter(nodeMap::containsKey) .map(nodeMap::get) .collect(toCollection(LinkedList::new)), (a, b) -> b, TreeMap::new)); } } class Node implements Comparable<Node> { static final int INFINITY = 10_000_000; final int x; final int y; final List<Node> path; int distance; boolean visited; public Node(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; visited = false; distance = INFINITY; path = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Node node = (Node) o; return x == node.x && y == node.y; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(x, y); } @Override public String toString() { return coordinate(x, y); } @Override public int compareTo(Node other) { int compare = Integer.compare(x, other.x); return compare == 0 ? Integer.compare(y, other.y) : compare; } public Stream<String> neighbourCoordinates() { return Stream.of( coordinate(x - 1, y), coordinate(x + 1, y), coordinate(x, y - 1), coordinate(x, y + 1) ); } public void addToPath(Node previous) { path.add(previous); path.addAll(previous.path); } public void printPath() { List<Node> shortestPath = new ArrayList<>(this.path); Collections.reverse(shortestPath); shortestPath.add(this); System.out.printf("Shortest path(%3d): %s.%n", shortestPath.size() - 1, shortestPath.stream().map(Node::toString).collect(joining(", "))); } private String coordinate(int x, int y) { return String.format("(%2d, %2d)", x, y); } }