عدد را بر اساس فرم منبسط شده (Expanded) نمایش دهید.
Kata.expandedForm(12); # Should return "10 + 2" Kata.expandedForm(42); # Should return "40 + 2" Kata.expandedForm(70304); # Should return "70000 + 300 + 4"
Write Number in Expanded Form
You will be given a number and you will need to return it as a string in Expanded Form. For example:
Kata.expandedForm(12); # Should return "10 + 2" Kata.expandedForm(42); # Should return "40 + 2" Kata.expandedForm(70304); # Should return "70000 + 300 + 4"
NOTE: All numbers will be whole numbers greater than 0.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class Kata { public static String expandedForm(int num) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String[] arr = (""+num).split(""); int count = arr.length - 1; for (String str : arr) { Double n = Integer.parseInt(str) * Math.pow(10, count--); if (n > 0) list.add(n.intValue()); } return StringUtils.join(list, " + "); } }
public class Kata { public static String expandedForm(int num) { String outs = ""; for (int i = 10; i < num; i *= 10) { int rem = num % i; outs = (rem > 0) ? " + " + rem + outs : outs; num -= rem; } outs = num + outs; return outs; } }
import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class Kata { public static String expandedForm(int num) { return IntStream.range(0, String.valueOf(num).length()) .mapToObj(x -> String.valueOf( Character.getNumericValue(String.valueOf(num).charAt(x) ) * (int)Math.pow(10, String.valueOf(num).substring(x).length()-1))) .filter(x -> !x.equals("0")) .collect(Collectors.joining(" + ")); } }
public class Kata { public static String expandedForm(int num) { StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(); int d = 1; while(num > 0) { int nextDigit = num % 10; num /= 10; if (nextDigit > 0) { res.insert(0, d * nextDigit); res.insert(0, " + "); } d *= 10; } return res.substring(3).toString(); } }