Who likes it?

kata programming


احتمالاً سیستم “like” را از فیسبوک و سایر صفحات می شناسید. افراد می توانند پست های وبلاگ، تصاویر یا موارد دیگر را “like” کنند. ما می خواهیم متنی را ایجاد کنیم که باید در کنار چنین موردی نمایش داده شود.

تابعی را پیاده سازی کنید که لیستی از اسامی را بگیرد و مانند مثال های زیر خروجی را برگرداند:

[]                                -->  "no one likes this"
["Peter"]                         -->  "Peter likes this"
["Jacob", "Alex"]                 -->  "Jacob and Alex like this"
["Max", "John", "Mark"]           -->  "Max, John and Mark like this"
["Alex", "Jacob", "Mark", "Max"]  -->  "Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this"


You probably know the “like” system from Facebook and other pages. People can “like” blog posts, pictures or other items. We want to create the text that should be displayed next to such an item.

Implement the function which takes an array containing the names of people that like an item. It must return the display text as shown in the examples:

[]                                -->  "no one likes this"
["Peter"]                         -->  "Peter likes this"
["Jacob", "Alex"]                 -->  "Jacob and Alex like this"
["Max", "John", "Mark"]           -->  "Max, John and Mark like this"
["Alex", "Jacob", "Mark", "Max"]  -->  "Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this"

Note: For 4 or more names, the number in “and 2 others” simply increases.

class Solution {
    public static String whoLikesIt(String... names) {
        switch (names.length) {
          case 0: return "no one likes this";
          case 1: return String.format("%s likes this", names[0]);
          case 2: return String.format("%s and %s like this", names[0], names[1]);
          case 3: return String.format("%s, %s and %s like this", names[0], names[1], names[2]);
          default: return String.format("%s, %s and %d others like this", names[0], names[1], names.length - 2);
class Solution {
  public static String whoLikesIt(String... names) {
    final String Template1 = "%s likes this";
    final String Template2 = "%s and %s like this";
    final String Template3 = "%s, %s and %s like this";
    final String TemplateN = "%s, %s and %d others like this";
        names.length == 0 ? "no one likes this" :
        names.length == 1 ? String.format(Template1, names[0]) :
        names.length == 2 ? String.format(Template2, names[0], names[1]) :
        names.length == 3 ? String.format(Template3, names[0], names[1], names[2]) :
        String.format(TemplateN, names[0], names[1], names.length-2);
class Solution {
    public static String whoLikesIt(String... nms) {
        switch (nms.length) {
          case 0: return "no one likes this";
          case 1: return String.format("%s likes this", nms[0]);
          case 2: return String.format("%s and %s like this", nms[0], nms[1]);
          case 3: return String.format("%s, %s and %s like this", nms[0], nms[1], nms[2]);
          default: return String.format("%s, %s and %d others like this", nms[0], nms[1], nms.length - 2);
class Solution {
    public static String whoLikesIt(String... names) {
        switch (names.length) {
          case 0:
            return "no one likes this";
          case 1:
            return names[0] + " likes this";
          case 2:
            return names[0] + " and " + names[1] + " like this";
          case 3:
            return names[0] + ", " + names[1] + " and " + names[2] + " like this";
            return names[0] + ", " + names[1] + " and " + Integer.toString((names.length) - 2) + " others like this";
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

class Solution {

    private static Map<Integer, String> choices = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        choices.put(0, "no one likes this");
        choices.put(1, "%s likes this");
        choices.put(2, "%s and %s like this");
        choices.put(3, "%s, %s and %s like this");

    public static String whoLikesIt(String... names) {
        int namesCount = names.length;
        return namesCount <= 3 ?
                String.format(choices.get(namesCount), names) :
                String.format("%s, %s and %s others like this", names[0], names[1], namesCount - 2);
class Solution {
    public static String whoLikesIt(String... names) {
        switch (names.length){
          case 0:return "no one likes this";
          case 1:return names[0]+" likes this";
          case 2:return names[0]+" and "+names[1]+" like this";
          case 3:return names[0]+", "+names[1]+" and "+names[2]+ " like this";
          default:return names[0]+", "+names[1]+" and "+(names.length-2)+" others like this";

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